

Christina was first connected with yoga during the first 30 days of her sobriety, when Spiritually Fit taught at the residential treatment center she was attending. After years of struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, along with a severe lack of self-confidence and self-worth, yoga called to her. Her practice became more regular when she left treatment, and she frequently attended Spiritually Fit Recovery’s  Saturday Community Class with her fellow sober living companions. 

In 2022 she was given the opportunity to finally pursue a deep-rooted passion to teach. During her yoga teacher training program her father suddenly passed. She believes that yoga and meditation have given her a gift of peace, strength, and centeredness to cope with life’s twists and turns. 

Over the last few years she has shared this gift with others by teaching in treatment centers all around the Valley. She feels this is her purpose on this planet, and strives to spread hope, have a positive impact, and help the healing process- for even just one person.