

Emily was introduced to yoga in 2007 and in the beginning practiced yoga for the physical aspects. Along her journey toward healing, she found a deeper connection to her spiritual practice. While struggling with anxiety, depression, eating disorder, and drug and alcohol addiction, she found the mindfulness aspect of yoga the most important to her growth.

In September 2019, she finally took a leap of faith and enrolled in the 200hr YTT at Yoyo Yogie in Portland, OR. During the pandemic she relocated to Arizona and as fate would have it, she started working for Spiritually Fit Recovery in November 2022. 

Getting to share her experience and build connections with students has been a life-changing experience for her. Emily’s favorite styles of yoga are power yoga, vinyasa, Yin, Hatha, and Bikram. She takes pride in putting together curated playlists for her students to enjoy. 

She loves incorporating breath and meditation in her classes, as it helps calm the chatter in the mind and allows students to tap into deep relaxation. Her teaching style is inclusive for all and allows each person to show up exactly as they are. 

Emily believes that everyone is on their path and she supports all students to take things at their own pace, to modify when needed, and to honor how they feel at all times- with a good playlist of course!